About House of Dandylion LLC

House of Dandylion was founded in 2021 to help humans take control of their well-being while here on Earth. We understand how life on Earth can become a series of WTFs! We create plant-based remedies to help you navigate these challenges while keeping your well-being and the Earth our top priority.  Our plant-based medicinal products are 100% organic, ethically sourced and grown, chemical-free, & third-party tested.

We currently grow our own organic hemp flower. Our goal is to grow all plants used in our formulas, from seed to you!

Check out the House of Dandylion Chronicles to learn more about the hemp we grow.


Black-woman owned small business located in Washington, DC

photo of owner, Anna Hamilton outside in nature

Thank you for taking the time to support my business.


Humans | Plant Medicine | Art

Upcoming Events

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We are excited to announce that we will be participating in this year's BlerdCon!

Purchase Tickets

Past Events

Awesome Con 2024

Hey y'all! Check out how my first Con went.
